Cambodia embassy in Bangkok, Thailand

Cambodia Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand

Cambodia embassy in Singapore

About Cambodia embassy in Bangkok, Thailand

Cambodia Embassy in Thailand is an office of communication between the Cambodia Government and Thailand. It runs an inclusive range of consular services to local, Cambodian, and international citizens in Thailand.

Visa for Cambodia from Thailand can be applied and obtained in person at the Royal Embassy of Cambodia in Bangkok, Consular Section.

The Royal Embassy of Cambodia in Bangkok supports Thai citizens through its consular services if they:

  • Specific contacts and information in Cambodia
  • Citizens or residents of Thailand want to apply and obtain Cambodian Visa
  • Need information regarding requirements and process of applying for Cambodia visa
  • Need general or specific info regarding Cambodian economy, culture, sports, education, and more

Cambodian Embassy In Thailand represents one of 43 consular and diplomatic representations of Cambodia worldwide. 

Contact information of Cambodia embassy in Thailand

Find below the contact details of Cambodian Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand:

Head of mission: Mr. Ouk Sorphorn, Ambassador

Cambodian Ambassador H.E. Ambassador Mr. Sorphorn Ouk
Sorphorn Ouk, Ph.D. (Hon.), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Type of Cambodia visa

Thailand is on the exemption list for Visa to Cambodia within 30 days. If citizens of Thailand stay in Cambodia for more than 14 days, they will need to apply for a Cambodia visa.
The most common types of Cambodian visas are the following.

  • Tourist visa (T)
  • Ordinary or business visa (E)
  • Diplomatic – Official – Courtesy visa (A-B-C)
  • Khmer special visa (K)
  • E-VISA (Online visa )

Services provide by Cambodia embassy in Thailand

Embassy of Cambodia in Thailand

The Embassy of Cambodia in Thailand provides a range of consular services such as visas, passports, document legalization, emergency travel document, and assistance. Please contact them ahead on how to book an appointment or be properly directed.

The following is a list of some specific services provided by the Cambodia Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand

  • Process passport applications
  • Process visa applications
  • Notarize certain documents
  • Issuing emergency travel documents
  • Authentication of documents

How to apply for Cambodia visa from Thailand

Citizens and residents of Thailand can apply for a visa to Cambodia using one of the three options listed below:

Firstly, Thai citizens can directly contact and apply for a Cambodia visa at the Cambodia Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand 

Secondly, obtain Visa on arrival at the Visa Counter upon arrival at Cambodia International Airports in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap International Airport. 

Thirdly, Thai citizens apply for Cambodia e-visa for time saving and fees. The eVisa for Thai citizens is directly linked to the traveler’s passport but it is a good idea to print a copy of the visa to carry to the Cambodian border.

Read more:

Cambodia embassy in Singapore


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