How to get from Kathmandu to Laos?

There are several ways to get from Kathmandu to Laos, and the best option for you will depend on your budget, preferred travel time, and desired level of adventure. Here are some options to consider:

By Air:

This is the fastest and most convenient option, with flights taking around 6-8 hours including 1-2 stops. Look for airlines such as Thai Airways International, IndiGo Airlines, or Bangkok Airways that offer flights between Kathmandu and Laos (Vientiane is the most popular entry point). Airfares range from $270 to $440 depending on season and transit time.

Unfortunately, there are currently no direct flights from Kathmandu to any city in Laos.

By Land:

  • Combination of Train, Bus, and Car: This is a longer and more adventurous alternative, lasting 3-4 days but providing a one-of-a-kind experience. From Kathmandu, take a train to Lhasa, then a bus to Guangyuan and Kunming in China, and then another bus to Vientiane. This route offers you to experience a variety of landscapes and cultures along the road, but it may be exhausting and necessitates additional planning and visa concerns for China. 
  • Bus and Car: You may avoid the rail part by taking a bus from Kathmandu to Lhasa and then another bus to Vientiane. This is a less expensive alternative than the rail and bus combo, but it still takes around three days and can be difficult owing to possibly long bus rides and border crossings. 

Here are some things to consider when choosing your option:

  • Budget: Air travel is the most expensive choice, but land travel may be much less expensive.
  • Travel time: Air travel is the quickest mode of transportation, whereas land travel takes many days.
  • Comfort and convenience: Air travel is the most pleasant and convenient alternative, although ground travel can be more difficult and time-consuming.
  • Adventure: Land travel is more exciting and engaging, but air travel is faster and easier.
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